I woke up this morning hearing the Lord saying to us right now…..”It is time to fill my shoes, to take my place, my significant role. I am calling you now to fulfil the role and function that I modelled when I was here on earth. You are ready now to take my love to the streets, to my people to the world I created. They need to hear your voice, hear your story of love and forgiveness. Share the love of the father, the story of forgiveness and restoration. I say to you now, “Go the time is now, do not be held back by things of the past, by old wounds. Cast these old hurts off and focus on me now. These things that have held you back will be forgotten as you step out and obey me. Go and be ‘who I am’ to the world. Go and speak my word. Walk through the streets of this world and share my love to every person you meet. I will give you the words, I will use you, anoint you and fill you with power. You will be surprised at all the things that I will do through you in this mighty hour. The world needs YOU, It is time to fill my shoes on the earth.You say, “But your shoes are so big Jesus, I cannot fill them.” And I say to you, “I will grow you, step out and watch your feet fill my shoes. There will be miracle upon miracle, wonder upon wonder and signs upon signs.” You say, “But I have stepped out before and…” And I say to you, “But this is my hour, this is the time and I will not send you out empty handed, I will not send you out alone. I will be with you. My anointing is on you. I am the Lord your God and I send you out with my signature, with my name, with my authority with my power!”It is time to stand up, it is time to rise. The enemy will tell you that you are not ready, that you are not good enough. But you must listen to my voice alone. You will fill my shoes, it is time to go, to be all that ‘I am’ to this world, to walk amongst the lost and love them back to me. To heal every disease, to deliver the captives, set them free and help them to know forgiveness of sin. Bring them into my presence, bring them home, be the light and lead the way. I have chosen you for this time, I am empowering you for this very hour, do not hold back, it is time to fill my shoes.
”Luke 4:18-19 TPT18–19 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, freedom for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.”