I sense the Lord saying, that His Spirit is hovering over the earth like He did in the beginning when the earth was empty and formless. He is hovering over the earth right now, looking everywhere for empty vessels. He is watching His people, His church. He is looking for those who are looking towards heaven and not to the world, those who are empty but ready. He is about to fill these empty vessels with Himself just like He filled Christ with all of Himself.
When Jesus came from Heaven into our world, He was obedient, and He emptied himself. He gave up His significance, His divinity and power to become a humble human. He took on all the limitations of humanity. He became an empty vessel so that God could fill Him with all His fullness. Jesus had everything He needed to fulfill the calling on His life – All of His Father’s power, wisdom, and knowledge. Jesus desires that we become one with Him like He was one with His Father. He will pour all of who He is into us, just like the Father filled Him.
The first miracle that Jesus did on earth was performed at a wedding because the wine ran out. Six empty vessels were brought to Him to fill. Jesus filled those empty vessels with water, and He turned that water into the absolute best wine. In the same way, Holy Spirit is hovering over the earth looking for empty vessels that He can bring to Jesus to fill. These vessels will be filled to overflowing with living water and Jesus will turn the water into the best wine.
This wine is the last wine before Jesus comes again and it is the best wine. It is the power of the blood that poured from Jesus side, from His hands, and from His feet. It is powerful resurrection wine. Holy Spirit is looking for empty vessels to fill with this resurrection power of Jesus Christ so it can be poured out across the earth by those who love Him.
There were 6 vessels that Jesus filled at the wedding that day. The number 6 is symbolic for man, even the weakness of human beings. Jesus wants to fill you and I, empty, weak, limited human beings with all of who He is with the last wine. He wants to fill us up to overflowing with His resurrection power so that we can pour Him out everywhere we go right across the earth.
Are you ready, willing, and empty? Will you present your body as a living sacrifice just like Jesus did? Will you allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with all the fullness of Christ so you can be Jesus to our world and bring many souls to the great wedding feast in Heaven?